Good to Know: How to Recognize the Signs of Stress

27.05.2023 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

For mental health, it is important to be able to track your conditions. In the article, we will talk about what signs often indicate the presence of stress in life.

Signs of stress

During times of stress, a person experiences feelings of anxiety and overwhelm.

Stress occurs when a psycho-physiological state, when a person does not have enough resources to cope with the situation.

Stress can manifest itself in different ways. Sometimes these are physical manifestations: rapid heartbeat, respiratory failure, muscle tension.

In other cases, stress may indicate difficulty concentrating, difficulty making choices.


Sometimes stress can manifest itself in muscle pain, migraines, digestive problems, changes in appetite, hair loss, high blood pressure.

Thus, stress can affect not only mental health, but also physical.

How to Reduce Stress

During a difficult period of life, it is important to pay special attention to rest, hobbies, sleep and diet.

You can try exercise, yoga, dancing, walking in nature.

Fresh air and exercise help reduce anxiety and stress levels.

You can also do your favorite hobby, creativity, meditation, massage.

Breathing practices help to quickly cope with anxiety and stress. Take deep breaths in and out.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Signs of stress
  2. How to Reduce Stress