How social networks affect a person: don’t do it before bed

01.05.2024 00:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:20

Social media sometimes has a negative impact on a person.

In this article, we will tell you how.

How social networks affect our mental health

There are negative consequences of social media.

Sometimes people can become more self-centered due to the influence of social media.

For example, sometimes people post information about aspects of their lives that do not match reality, which causes depression and dissatisfaction with themselves.


People can also get stuck in the influx of different information.

Therefore, problems with sleep may occur.

It is advisable to give up all gadgets at least an hour before bed, as screens emit blue light, which interferes with the production of the sleep hormone melatonin.

Therefore, it is more difficult for a person to fall asleep and wake up in the morning.

In addition, emotions due to social media can also disrupt your sleep and how quickly you fall asleep. That's why it's best to detox from social media late at night.

For example, some publications may increase your anxiety level.

In addition, social networks can have an impact on reducing self-esteem.

At the same time, users may become dependent on gadgets and social networks.

Often people on social networks begin to compare themselves with others, try to post new posts more often, and become addicted to scrolling.

This is fraught with problems not only psychologically, but also a threat to your physical health.

For example, sleep disturbances, eating disorders, chronic lack of sleep due to social networks.

In addition, a large amount of screen time takes away your most valuable resource - your time.

Instead of spending your attention on social media, you can stay in reality.

Focus on your real life, plans and difficulties that you want to overcome.

This leads to procrastination and you put off your affairs and life in general until later.

Previously, we told you how to save money on a wedding.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource