Identifying a liar: Personality traits that are common for liars and cheaters

22.07.2023 20:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Identifying personality traits common among liars can be challenging, as dishonesty is not solely determined by personality but is influenced by various factors, including situational context and individual motivations. 

However, some personality traits are often associated with a higher likelihood of engaging in deceptive behavior. 

Here are some of the personality traits commonly associated with liars.


Liars may exhibit a tendency to manipulate others to achieve their goals or to conceal the truth. 

They may use charm or persuasion to deceive others effectively.

sad woman


Individuals with narcissistic tendencies may be more inclined to lie to protect their self-image or to maintain a sense of superiority.

Low Empathy

A lack of empathy and concern for others' feelings can make it easier for some individuals to lie without feeling guilty about the potential harm caused.

Low Conscientiousness

People with low levels of conscientiousness may be less inclined to adhere to moral principles and are more likely to engage in dishonest behavior.


Impulsive individuals may be more likely to lie without considering the long-term consequences of their actions.

Low Agreeableness

People with low agreeableness may prioritize their own interests over others and may be more willing to deceive to achieve their objectives.

Lack of Integrity

Individuals with a lack of integrity may not have a strong moral compass and may be more prone to dishonesty.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Manipulativeness
  2. Narcissism
  3. Low Empathy
  4. Low Conscientiousness
  5. Impulsivity
  6. Low Agreeableness
  7. Lack of Integrity