Important to Know: What are Personal Boundaries

13.08.2023 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24


Personal boundaries are an individual space that includes values, interests, hobbies, beliefs, views, and emotions of a person.

What is a violation of personal boundaries

Personal boundaries are violated if communication does not bring you joy, it becomes uncomfortable. For example, relatives and acquaintances ask uncomfortable questions about their personal lives (“When will we take a walk at the wedding?”), They put too much pressure, forcing them to change jobs to more, in their opinion, prestigious ones, or they try to cause a feeling of guilt.

The most important indicator is your anger, as well as similar feelings and emotions: irritation, anger, rage, indignation, indignation. It is these emotions (which, among other things, carry a protective function) that signal that the boundaries have been violated.

Why you need to uphold personal boundaries

These distinctions are necessary because they delineate the individual and clearly define what is and is not your responsibility. By building personal boundaries, you affirm your subjectivity. We each have our own thoughts, feelings, values, goals, and interests.

By building his boundaries, a person literally gives permission to the world around him to influence him.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is a violation of personal boundaries
  2. Why you need to uphold personal boundaries