Important to Know: Why It is Beneficial for a Child to Walk Barefoot

20.12.2023 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

The main reason is that it provides better traction on the floor to the foot and toes, and therefore promotes healthy development and the ability to feel the surface under your feet.

Why is it good for a child to go barefoot

Children can learn to walk barefoot from the first years of their life.

Ask your children to wear slippers less often while at home. It is better for children to take their first steps without shoes on a rug or blanket.

Try to ensure that your child's feet do not get too cold.

There are many active points on the child’s foot, the stimulation of which improves the functioning of internal organs and improves immunity.


Running around the house barefoot, the child “feels” different surfaces with his feet, which stimulates the brain, also improves coordination of movements and learns to carefully watch where to place his foot.

Walking barefoot not only allows you to strengthen your body.

But it also increases immunity and fights flat feet. It also helps in the fight against chronic fatigue, insomnia, nervousness, and stress.

Walk barefoot whenever possible, teach your children to do so.

One small study found that running barefoot for eight weeks didn't actually have much of an impact on strength and proprioception.

We previously talked about music therapy.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource