Lead can make your child prone to criminal: A warning research

12.08.2023 22:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Lots of things that seem to have no correlation can actually affect your child's mental and physical health.

Exposure to lead during pregnancy or childhood may increase the likelihood of engaging in criminal behavior as an adult, according to a review of 17 studies. 

Let's find out more.

A study on how lead affects children's development

Lead exposure is known to pose health risks and has been statistically linked to criminal behavior. 

However, the review found mixed results in individual studies.


The researchers analyzed studies that measured lead exposure through various methods and at different life stages. 

Some studies showed no clear connection between childhood lead exposure and later delinquency, while others indicated links to antisocial behavior and arrests. 

The researchers used a bias evaluation tool to assess study quality.

The results

Overall, the review suggests that individuals exposed to lead during pregnancy or early childhood may have an increased risk of adult criminal behavior. 

The researchers emphasize the need for more evidence to better understand these associations. 

Nevertheless, they stress the importance of policy actions to prevent lead exposure for public health and societal well-being.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. A study on how lead affects children's development
  2. The results