Mid-life crisis: Psychologist's insights

23.09.2023 21:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Lots of people have heard of a mid-life crisis, but not everyone experiences that.

Meanwhile, it can be a pretty mentally challenging experience, so it takes time and effort to fight it.

Here are a few reasons why someone might face it in the first place.

Life Reflection

At this age, people often stop and think about what they've achieved and what they still want to do in life. 

They may worry they haven't accomplished enough.

sad man

Mortality Awareness

As people get older, they become more aware of their own mortality. 

They realize they have more years behind them than ahead, which can be unsettling.

Changes in Roles

Sometimes, people experience big life changes, like their children leaving home or a career shift. 

These changes can make them question their identity and purpose.

Desire for New Experiences

People may feel a strong desire to try new things, travel, or take on new challenges they haven't done before.

Societal Pressure

Society often expects people to have their lives "together" by middle age, which can create pressure and anxiety if they feel they haven't met those expectations.

Reevaluating Priorities

People may start to rethink what's most important to them, leading to changes in their goals and values.


All these things combined create a mid-life crisis - and some people find it extremely hard to fight it.

That's why lots of people do controversial or seemingly silly things - they want to stay young, and they want to catch up on things they've always dreamed of doing.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Life Reflection
  2. Mortality Awareness
  3. Changes in Roles
  4. Desire for New Experiences
  5. Societal Pressure
  6. Reevaluating Priorities
  7. Conclusion