Psychologist's Explanation: What are Obsessive Thoughts

30.08.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Obsessive thoughts, or intrusive thoughts, are constantly occurring thoughts or images that are not inherently important in a given situation, but for some reason constantly appear in the head.

You can try to get rid of them or avoid them, but often this only worsens the situation.

How to understand that thoughts are intrusive

Intrusive thoughts are involuntary, unwanted thoughts or images that enter your mind without warning. 

They can take many forms, such as violent or disturbing thoughts about hurting yourself or others.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a severe mental disorder that significantly reduces the patient's quality of life.


The common symptomatology of obsessive-compulsive disorder is regularly repeated painful disturbing thoughts, desires and emotions, less often actions, movements or words that the patient repeats.

What is the difference between delirium and obsessive thoughts

The main difference between an obsessive idea and a delusional one is the critical attitude of the patient to obsessive thoughts that remain alien to his thinking, his personal position.

What triggers obsessive thoughts

The exact causes of the development of obsessive-compulsive states have not yet been identified.

According to various versions, this disease can be caused by a violation of the processes of inhibition and excitation in the brain, a genetic predisposition, a deficiency of serotonin, and the effects of infections on the body.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to understand that thoughts are intrusive
  2. What is the difference between delirium and obsessive thoughts
  3. What triggers obsessive thoughts