Psychologist's Explanation: What is Catastrophizing

16.08.2023 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

The exact cause of catastrophic thinking is unknown, but some researchers suggest that it may be related to trauma or other comorbidities.

What is catastrophe

People prone to catastrophizing when some difficulties arise, they think that it will only get worse. Being in constant expectation of negativity, a person feels hopeless. This causes stress, anxiety disorders and sometimes depression.

How to get rid of catastrophe

Man is free in his actions and intentions within the law. Given the wide possibilities, depending on the situation, he can foresee all possible consequences and their likelihood.

So every time you are faced with circumstances that scare you, try to find a way to stop and analyze what might happen.

Therefore, you made a mistake at work. Your brain, always looking for problems and worries, paints you terrible pictures of being fired. Nevertheless, this is not the only possible consequence of the error. There are others.


If a situation that you consider catastrophic is already happening, practice ways to help calm down. Breathe deeply, imagine pictures of pleasure, happiness, dream of a relaxing holiday at sea.

Even the slightest intervention of positive emotions will help break the shell of anxiety and fear.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is catastrophe
  2. How to get rid of catastrophe