Psychologist's Explanation: What is Hypersensitivity Really

11.08.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24


Hypersensitivity is not so rare: according to various estimates, it is characteristic of 15-30% of people.

What is hypersensitivity

Hyperesthesia - increased sensitivity to stimuli (lowered threshold of sensations). Sensations of ordinary strength take on an unnaturally harsh character, for example, lights become unbearably bright, sounds deafeningly loud, smells unbearably harsh.

How do I know if I'm hypersensitive

Hypersensitivity is a condition in which the body responds to various external stimuli more strongly and intensely than most people are. People with hypersensitivity may have more thrills and reactions to sounds, lights, smells, textures, and emotional states.

Research published in Psychological Reports shows that defining yourself as a "highly sensitive person" can sometimes be a manipulative tactic used by people with dark personality traits, especially those with narcissism and psychopathy, to influence the behavior of others and gain benefits.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is hypersensitivity
  2. How do I know if I'm hypersensitive