Psychologist's Opinion: Quarrels in Relationships

31.07.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Photo: Pixabay

Fighting in a relationship is normal as two people push each other's boundaries. Just one of the signs of a dependent relationship is the lack of observation that there is a second person in a couple.

Can there be no quarrels in a relationship

The absence of quarrels, oddly enough, is also more of a negative sign than a positive one. So, most likely, you either hush up problems and “swallow” what does not suit you (because it is impossible for everything to suit you) or, in principle, do not communicate - therefore there are no quarrels.

How to understand that the conflict is resolved

A conflict can only be resolved if the object is clearly defined. Misunderstanding of the object of the conflict or its substitution aggravate the conflict situation. The conflict has a reason and arises due to the non-satisfaction of some need, sometimes this reason or reason is considered the object of the conflict.

According to a recent study published in the Journal of Consumer Research, hints at an antidote for such abrasions caused by financial relationship problems. The study recommends that couples pool their finances to prevent the quality of relationships from deteriorating over time.

How long should you pause after a fight

Take a break of at least 20 minutes - that's how long it takes the body to calm down psychologically. But if the break lasts longer than a day, it can provoke negative feelings.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Can there be no quarrels in a relationship
  2. How to understand that the conflict is resolved
  3. How long should you pause after a fight