Reasons of impulse purchases: Psychologist's insights

29.10.2023 20:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Nowadays, a huge marketing industry constantly tries to make us buy more things, whether we actually need them or not.

It's no wonder that so many people buy different things on impulse - it's simply too hard to resist the temptation.

Here are a few more reasons why people waste money on things they don't actually need.

Emotions Play a Big Role

Our feelings can strongly influence our spending decisions. 

For example, when we're happy, we might see something in a store that makes us even happier, so we buy it without thinking too much. 


On the flip side, when we're feeling down, we might shop to comfort ourselves and feel better.

Deals and Discounts are Tempting

When we come across a fantastic sale or a big discount, it can be hard to resist. 

Even if we didn't plan to buy anything, the idea of saving money is so appealing that we grab the opportunity. 

It feels like a great bargain, and we don't want to miss out.

Peer Pressure Can Be Powerful

Sometimes, we're out with friends or family, and they start buying things. 

We might feel a bit of pressure to join in so that we don't feel left out. It's like everyone else is having fun, and we want to be part of it.

We Love Instant Gratification

Waiting for things can be tough. When we want something, we want it right now. 

Impulse purchases provide instant satisfaction. We don't have to wait, which can be very tempting.


Remember, impulse purchases happen when we buy something without taking the time to think about whether we truly need it or if it fits in our budget. 

To manage your spending wisely, it's important to be aware of these triggers and try to make more intentional choices when it comes to buying things.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Emotions Play a Big Role
  2. Deals and Discounts are Tempting
  3. Peer Pressure Can Be Powerful
  4. We Love Instant Gratification
  5. Conclusion