Signs that someone's jealous of you: Psychologist's insights

19.11.2023 22:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

One of the basic emotions that lots of people have is jealousy, and it's not always bad - at least, it motivates people to try harder.

Meanwhile, it can also be destructive for people's relationships, and especially friendships.

There are some signs of someone's jealousy that you should see quickly, so you can stay away from toxic people.

Changes in Behavior

Look for sudden shifts in how someone treats you. If they were once friendly and have become distant or cold, it could be a sign of jealousy.

Negative Comments

Pay attention to comments that seem critical or belittling, especially regarding your achievements. Jealous individuals may downplay your successes.


Lack of Support

Notice if the person fails to express enthusiasm or support when you share your accomplishments or goals. 

A lack of genuine happiness for your achievements could indicate jealousy.


Jealousy often manifests as a constant need to compete. 

If someone is always trying to outdo you or one-up your achievements, they might be harboring jealousy.

Copying Behavior

When someone imitates your style, choices, or actions, it could be a subconscious attempt to emulate your success, indicating envy.


Be wary of any actions that could undermine your efforts or create obstacles for you. Jealous individuals might try to sabotage your progress.


Feeling excluded from social activities or events may suggest jealousy within a group. 

Jealousy can lead to exclusion as a way to cope with their own feelings.

Overly Critical

Jealous people may excessively criticize you, finding fault in your decisions or actions. This critical behavior is often a way to mask their own insecurities.


If you hear rumors or gossip about yourself that seems unfounded, it could be a sign of jealousy. 

Jealous individuals might resort to spreading negative information about you.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Changes in Behavior
  2. Negative Comments
  3. Lack of Support
  4. Competitiveness
  5. Copying Behavior
  6. Sabotage
  7. Exclusion
  8. Overly Critical
  9. Gossiping