What unobvious mistakes can destroy a strong marriage: the opinion of a psychologist

18.05.2024 22:00

Sometimes marriages fall apart for various reasons.

Often these are the same mistakes people make.

How to Know if Your Marriage is Over

You may feel regret and disappointment if you are not happy with your marriage.

You may have had expectations of what marriage would be like based on the families you saw.

Your partner may have different expectations and ideas.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Your interests do not have to coincide completely. However, things like views on family, goals in life and values are extremely important for a happy marriage.

You may have realized that you and your spouse don't have many common interests.

What mistakes lead to the destruction of a marriage

People often make the same mistakes in marriage or relationships.

To begin with, it is important to understand how compatible you are - in character, values, worldview, and everyday issues.

It is important to try to travel together and introduce you to your family.

Before marriage, enough time should pass to get to know each other and understand whether you feel good with this person.

It is also important to try to live together and solve any problems.

A marriage will be happy if there is respect, trust, honesty, open communication and sincerity.

The unwillingness to know and hear your partner is the main mistake in a relationship.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to Know if Your Marriage is Over
  2. What mistakes lead to the destruction of a marriage