Why parents should read books to young children: it's really very important

16.04.2024 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Reading is useful not only for adults, but also for children.

In this article, we will tell you why it is so important to read books to your child.

Why children need to read books

From books, a child receives information, develops imagination, and retains images of heroes in his head.

In addition, in this way children learn to analyze the plot, making it easier to remember what they read.

There is a gradual development of the child’s analytical thinking, imagination and memory.


In addition, reading replenishes the baby’s vocabulary, teaches him to understand others and express his thoughts. Books help you get to know yourself.

Thanks to reading, a child learns to correctly compose sentences, the child develops the ability to listen and perseverance, and this is a very important quality.

Experts believe that those children who were read books in childhood and told fairy tales read a lot as adults.

Through meaningful reading, new neural connections are formed in the brain in both adults and children.

They help you think faster and improve memory.

The same effect can be obtained from listening to audiobooks or reading articles.

Previously, we talked about the benefits of drawing for a child’s development.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource