Why people fall in love with each other: not the most common reasons

19.05.2024 18:00

Falling in love is one of the most pleasant human states.

Falling in love follows the same pattern.

What is falling in love

Falling in love is a state often called euphoria. It consists of a release of hormones, a rush of adrenaline and a feeling of happiness and joy.

When falling in love, a person idealizes his partner, as he sees only good things.

Disadvantages begin to appear at the next stage of falling in love - love.

Photo: © Belnovosti

When the hormones subside, a person begins to see the real picture.

Whether you like it or not depends on whether a deeper feeling - love - will arise between people.

Why do people fall in love with each other

The need for love is inherent in a person’s psyche. Everyone needs warmth, love, attention and care. In deep loneliness, not everyone can live calmly and happily.

Love is one of the essential nutrients for psychological growth and happiness.

People fall in love both with real people and with the images they have drawn in their heads.

However, for a person to feel interested, it is important that many factors come together: appearance, voice, character, clothing style, smell, interests.

Sometimes people experience only physical attraction, but their personalities remain practically incompatible.

Sometimes, on the contrary, a person’s appearance is not attractive, but his character makes you fall in love.

When you see someone you like, something grabs you that draws you to that person.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is falling in love
  2. Why do people fall in love with each other