Why you are unable to relax properly on your weekends: Psychologists explain

12.06.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Most people tend to become exhausted during weekdays, so they wait for their weekends to finally relax.

But when the weekend comes, they understand that they simply can't relax, so they are still tired after their weekends.

Here are some explanations, why.

Work-related stress

The accumulation of work responsibilities, deadlines, or demanding work environments can make it challenging to mentally switch off and unwind during weekends. 

Overcommitment and busy schedules

Some people tend to overcommit themselves, filling their weekends with numerous activities, social obligations, or personal projects. 


Feeling constantly busy or rushed can prevent individuals from properly unwinding and recharging.

Personal responsibilities and obligations

Having a long list of tasks to complete or feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities can make it challenging to prioritize and dedicate time solely for relaxation.

Technology and digital distractions

Notifications, emails, or the temptation to browse online can draw individuals' attention away from fully engaging in restful activities. 

Difficulty switching off mentally

Some individuals may struggle to let go of worries, anxieties, or ongoing problems, even when attempting to relax. 

Unrealistic expectations or guilt

Some people may have unrealistic expectations about what relaxation should look like, or feel guilty about taking time for themselves. 

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Work-related stress
  2. Overcommitment and busy schedules
  3. Personal responsibilities and obligations
  4. Technology and digital distractions
  5. Difficulty switching off mentally
  6. Unrealistic expectations or guilt