Why you don't like how you look: Psychologist's insights

14.10.2023 20:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Most people aren't exactly happy with their looks - some people just see some flaws, others simply hate what they see in a mirror daily.

But why do people who you see as stunning even have insecurities?

Let's find out more about how it works.


People tend to compare themselves to others, especially to those they see in the media or on social media. 

When they feel they don't measure up to these often unrealistic standards, it can make them unhappy with their appearance.

skeptic man

Societal Pressure

Society often puts a lot of emphasis on physical appearance, suggesting that looking a certain way is essential for happiness and success. 

This pressure can make people feel unhappy about their appearance.


Everyone has unique insecurities about their looks. These might stem from childhood experiences, peer interactions, or cultural influences. 

These insecurities can lead to dissatisfaction.

Media Influence

Magazines, movies, and advertisements often portray idealized versions of beauty. 

People who see these images may feel dissatisfied with their own appearance in comparison.

Peer Pressure

Friends and peers can sometimes make critical comments or have their own insecurities, which can influence how someone feels about their own looks.

Body Image Issues

Some people struggle with body image issues, like eating disorders or body dysmorphic disorder, which can significantly affect how they perceive themselves.


Remember, it's common for people to feel unhappy about their appearance, but it's essential to recognize that beauty comes in many forms, and self-worth is not solely determined by looks.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Comparisons
  2. Societal Pressure
  3. Insecurities
  4. Media Influence
  5. Peer Pressure
  6. Body Image Issues
  7. Conclusion