You Didn't Know It: How Friendship Makes Us Happier As We Age

04.07.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Every person dreams of a happy old age. In the article we will tell you how relationships affect the well-being of a person with age.

The role of friendship in old age

According to a study by Michigan State University psychology assistant professor William Chopik, friendships are more important than family relationships for older adults.

It is important to think about how you feel when you spend time with your friends. Do they energize you, or vice versa, deplete you? Do they bring you joy or make you doubt yourself? Try to spend more time with those with whom it is easy and pleasant for you to communicate.

It is also helpful to have friends of different ages. With peers, you can nostalgic and understand each other, you can learn new things from people younger or older than yourself.

A healthy friendship is based on respect, reciprocity and sincerity. With real friends, you can be yourself and feel at ease.

Photo: Pixabay

It is important for young and old people to have more than one friend. The optimal number is 2-5. Moreover, with all your friends you can have different relationships and communication styles. This is fine.

With some people you can just chat without depth, with others you can be able to share your deepest feelings and experiences, with others you can go for a walk or do other joint activities.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource