You shouldn't compare yourself to others: Psychologist's tips

01.10.2023 22:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Most people are acquainted with the idea that you shouldn't compare yourself to others - but why is that a rule?

While comparing yourself to your peers and colleagues can improve your motivation and determination, it can also affect your mental health a lot.

Here are a few reasons why comparing yourself to other people is generally a bad idea.

Everyone Is Unique

Every person is different, with their own set of experiences, abilities, and circumstances.

Comparing yourself to someone else ignores the fact that you have your own unique journey.

sad woman

Unrealistic Expectations

When you compare yourself to others, you often see only the highlights of their lives. 

People tend to share their achievements and positive moments on social media, which can create unrealistic expectations and make you feel like you're not doing as well as you should be.

Neglecting Your Progress

Constantly looking at how others are doing can make you forget about your own progress. 

It's important to recognize and celebrate your own achievements, no matter how small they may seem compared to others.

Jealousy and Envy

Comparison can lead to feelings of jealousy and envy, which are unhealthy and can harm your relationships with others. 

It's better to be happy for others' success rather than resentful.

Lower Self-Esteem

Continuous comparison can lower your self-esteem and self-worth. It can make you feel inadequate, which is not good for your mental health.

Different Paths

People have different goals and priorities in life. What might be important to someone else may not be what's right for you. 

Comparing yourself to their path can lead you down the wrong road.

Focus on External Validation

Constant comparison can make you rely too much on external validation, seeking approval and recognition from others rather than finding it within yourself.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Everyone Is Unique
  2. Unrealistic Expectations
  3. Neglecting Your Progress
  4. Jealousy and Envy
  5. Lower Self-Esteem
  6. Different Paths
  7. Focus on External Validation