Последние новости за 28 октября 2023 года

art supplies

If you have beautiful oil paintings in your house, then you probably know how careful you should be when keeping them clean. While most oil paintings are covered with glass to keep them safe, some paintings aren't - so how can you clean them?

Kate Yakimchuk oil painting cleaning tips Helpful tips

Вермишель часто становится одним из ингредиентов первых блюд. Так, огромной популярностью у гурманов пользуются суп с фрикадельками и куриный суп.

Курчев Антон суп приготовление еды макароны варка жарка Минск
stained glass

If you love stained glass, then you can try making it on your own - it can be a fun experience! Moreover, beautiful stained glass can be amazing home decor for your interior, so it's definitely worth the effort.

Kate Yakimchuk glass decoration DIY tips ideas House Design

Washing too often, using high temperatures, spinning the drum at high speeds, or not turning your clothes inside out before washing can cause unsightly lumps to appear on your clothes.

Диана Дашкевич clothing care clothes lifehacks Helpful tips

Sometimes you can notice pretty strange spheres made of leaves and branches on trees - that's witch's broom plant disease. While it might look like it doesn't do much harm, it can be quite bad for your garden trees, so it's important to notice it quickly.

Kate Yakimchuk mistletoe trees diseases gardening plants Garden

В народных приметах упоминается несколько обстоятельств, при которых приобретение новых вещей стоит перенести на более поздний срок.

Курчев Антон одежда покупка проблемы советы народные приметы Люди и события

Microfiber or faux suede is the most practical fabric for upholstering a sofa with amazing mechanical properties. Does not wear out, does not electrify, does not absorb liquid, is hypoallergenic and retains color.

Диана Дашкевич furniture materials interior tips House Design

If you want to cook sushi at home, then you should gather lots of ingredients to make them truly delicious. But what if you can't find some ingredients at your local store, or simply want to save some money?

Kate Yakimchuk sushi cooking tips budget Cooking

Перед наступлением морозного периода из всех размещённых на загородном участке ёмкостей надо вылить воду.

Курчев Антон дача зима вода опасность советы Минск

Lots of cats love walking outside on their own, but some cats also love going for a walk with their owners - just like dogs! While not every cat has its habit, you still can train your cat to walk around with you.

Kate Yakimchuk pets cats walking habits Animals

В последние годы популярностью пользуется такое дизайнерское решение, как установка стеклянной шторки в ванной комнате.

Курчев Антон ванная комната оформление шторы стекло советы дизайнера Дизайн и интерьер

The most common reason why food burns is poor quality cookware. It would seem that the frying pan is only 1-2 months old; it cannot be damaged. But, unfortunately, with active use, the low-quality surface of cheap frying pans very quickly becomes unusable.

Диана Дашкевич dishes cleaning cleaning tips Helpful tips

The ability of adults to understand what young children are saying when they're just starting to talk is quite remarkable.  Researchers from MIT and Harvard University conducted a study to understand how adults make sense of children's early language efforts. 

Kate Yakimchuk research children speech parenting brain Psychology

Маленькие дети часто плачут. Конечно, в такие моменты родителям приходится непросто.

Курчев Антон ребенок эмоции родители слова ошибки Дети

Сегодня суббота, 28 октября 2023 года. 301-й день года по григорианскому календарю. До окончания остается 64 дня.

Елена Шимановская Луна календарь церковь история народные приметы Праздники