Are pets good for health: facts you probably didn’t know

03.07.2024 05:00

Many people believe that pets are good for human health. Is it really?

Are pets really good for your health

Surely you have heard that pets have a positive effect not only on a person’s mental but also physical health.

Some experts are willing to argue with such conclusions and believe that the scientific evidence on this topic is not convincing.

Over the past decades, many different studies have been published that have examined how pets affect human health.

Photo: © Belnovosti

For example, animals are linked to heart health and even increased life expectancy.

Experts believe that it is extremely difficult to determine this relationship and there is no reliable evidence for this.

According to a 1991 article, people who recently owned pets experienced a lot of stress and physical strain.

However, your condition may depend on the type of animal, as well as on the character and state of your psyche.

Many people note that they have become much happier with cats and dogs.

In addition, many people manage to increase physical activity, which they lacked before getting a dog. For example, through games or walks in the park.

Some people may experience stress due to a heavy workload, the complex nature of the animal, or illnesses in the pet.

Previously, we told you why dogs are afraid of fireworks, and whether you should take your pet with you to the holiday.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource