How to prepare a child for the arrival of a puppy in the house: tips for parents

31.03.2024 02:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

The relationship between a pet and a child is always the responsibility of the parents.

In this article, we will tell you how to properly prepare your baby for the arrival of a dog.

Is it worth getting a puppy with a small child

It is important to understand that having a puppy in a home with a small child is always a risk.

Puppies use their mouths to test things. Therefore, an animal can accidentally injure a small child.

Additionally, puppies tend to jump up and down more than adult dogs and may accidentally knock over a small child.


Therefore, it is important to closely monitor all interactions between children and the puppy.

This is necessary to minimize the likelihood of injury.

How to prepare your child for the arrival of a puppy in the house

Before a puppy appears in the house, it is advisable to prepare the child for this.

Read literature with your children about keeping and caring for dogs, as well as the behavioral characteristics of a puppy.

You can also watch care training videos. Explain to your child that the puppy is still small and should be shown care and attention.

Talk about how important it is to treat your new family member carefully and not offend him.

Choose a place that will be easy to keep clean and will provide room for your puppy even as he gets older.

Previously, we talked about why cats bite their owners.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Is it worth getting a puppy with a small child
  2. How to prepare your child for the arrival of a puppy in the house