How to protect your pets from the summer heat: useful tips

24.06.2024 23:00

During hot weather, it is extremely important to monitor your pet's well-being.

How to protect your pet from the heat in summer

Hot weather is dangerous for animals. This can cause heatstroke, sunburn, breathing problems and dehydration.

To make your pet's life easier in the summer, avoid walking your dog in the middle of the day.

It is best to take your dog for a walk early in the morning and late in the evening.

At this time of day the air temperature is the lowest for walking.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Make sure the pavement is not too hot, as this can burn your pet's paws.

Never leave your dog in a car in the heat. Parking in the shade won't work.

It only takes a couple of minutes for your dog or cat to overheat.

During hot weather, it is important to water your pet more often.

Provide the animal with cool, clean water.

Change the water at least once a day.

If you notice that it is difficult for your animal to breathe due to the heat outside, immediately take your pet home and cool it with cool water.

It is best to have air conditioning or good ventilation in the house. It is also important to cover the windows with curtains from the bright sun.

If you observe any changes in your pet's behavior, contact your veterinarian.

Previously, we told you how a dog chooses its owner.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource