How to take care of your cat’s dental health: important for every cat owner to know

14.06.2024 21:00

Proper dental care for your cat will ensure a healthier, longer life for your pet.

This will prevent the occurrence of many diseases.

How to Check Your Cat's Oral Health

Regularly checking your pet's oral health is extremely important.

This can be done either on your own or during an examination by a veterinarian.

Healthy teeth are white, without chips or stains.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Your pet's gums should not have ulcers or stains.

They should be pink and without swelling.

It's also worth checking the appearance of the back of your cat's mouth.

There should be no damage, bleeding, ulcers, or swelling.

Breathing should not be unpleasant.

Bad breath from an animal is a sign of disease or infection.

In addition, signs of ill health include excessive drooling, difficulty eating, or weight loss.

If you notice any changes in your cat, it is important to see a veterinarian immediately.

How to take care of your cat's dental health

To keep your cat's teeth healthy, proper nutrition and oral care are important.

It is important for you to brush your pet's teeth daily or once a week with a special toothpaste and brush for cats.

It is best to accustom your animal to brushing its teeth from an early age.

Special toothpastes and brushes can be found in pet stores and veterinary clinics.

Under no circumstances should your pet's teeth be brushed with human toothpaste or a brush.

The fact is that high levels of fluoride, which are often found in human toothpaste, can seriously harm the animal.

Toothpastes for cats do not contain fluoride or other components that are harmful to your pet.

Previously, we told you how to understand that your cat is sick.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to Check Your Cat's Oral Health
  2. How to take care of your cat's dental health