Interesting Facts: What Nature Does Fish For – You Didn’t Know About It

24.01.2024 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

The importance of fish in nature and human life is great.

They purify water and are food for animals and humans.

Fish are a valuable source of nutrients. Fish oil is used as a medicine.

What are the benefits of fish in nature

The main significance of fish in nature comes down to the fact that it itself, as well as its eggs and larvae, are food for other animals.

In addition, bony fish are an indispensable link in the food chain of hydrological ecosystems.


About 150 species of fish are of industrial importance.

River perches colonize isolated bodies of water with the help of ducks and other water birds.

French and American zoologists came to this conclusion after analyzing the distribution of these fish in thirty-seven flooded gravel pits.

Why do we need to protect fish

Fish need to be protected for many reasons, but one of the most significant and larger is their extinction.

After all, there are a lot of fish that are on the verge of extinction, and if they are not protected and prevented from reproducing, they will become completely extinct.

Factories and factories dump waste into rivers and lakes, thereby harming nature.

Cars that people wash on the shore also pose a danger to the water and the animals that live in it.

Previously, we talked about the Madagascar fossa.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What are the benefits of fish in nature
  2. Why do we need to protect fish