What must be done with chicken before cooking: a chef's trick

26.04.2022 15:15

Before cooking, all harmful substances that could get into the meat during production should be removed from the product.

For example, antibiotics or hormones.

To do this, you need to make a special solution.

It will not completely eliminate these substances, but will reduce their amount.

It is prepared very simply from the most affordable means that are in any kitchen.

Foto: Pixabay

In a liter of water, dissolve 5 grams of citric acid or lemon juice, as well as two tablespoons of salt. In this mixture, you can soak a chicken or a piece of meat.

However, if the product is too large, then you can increase the number of components.

It is advisable to keep the chicken in the solution from thirty minutes to two hours.

In addition, experienced chefs say that such a liquid in which meat is soaked makes the product more juicy and soft.

After that, you can proceed to the classic cooking of chicken.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource