Capsicum: How to Grow

12.12.2023 15:02
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

The soil for cultivating capsicum is light and neutral.

How to grow

For growing capsicum, the optimal temperature is +20-25 degrees.

Keep the plant in a well-ventilated room.

If in winter it is not possible to provide the pepper with adequate lighting, create cooler conditions for it (within +15 degrees).

When can you replant indoor peppers

When the peppers reach about 15 cm at the withers, they can be transplanted into pots in which they will continue to grow.


The size of the pot determines the possible size of the plant and its yield.

Moreover, it is directly proportional: the larger the pot, the better.

Is it possible to eat Capsicum fruits

But, unfortunately, capsicum fruits are inedible.

Firstly, they are very hot; the bitter juice can seriously burn the esophagus and stomach.

Secondly, the fruits are slightly poisonous.

Of course, lovers of indoor peppers can assure you otherwise - and even prove that they use Capsicum annuum as a seasoning.

Previously, we talked about Garden insects that don't damage your plants.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to grow
  2. When can you replant indoor peppers
  3. Is it possible to eat Capsicum fruits