How to Grow Carnations: Helpful Tips for Gardeners

17.08.2024 20:00

Carnations are easy to grow garden plants.

How to Grow Carnations

Turkish carnations prefer plenty of sunlight and well-drained soil.

If these plants are in the shade of buildings or large trees, or are grown in pots indoors, their flowering will be less lush or will stop altogether.

When planting, be sure to add peat and sand to the soil.

Then water the area well and cover with film for two days.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The seedlings are planted according to the 30x40 centimeter pattern, without separating them.

How to Care for Carnations

Above the third pair of true leaves, the seedlings are pinched for better tillering.

Spider mites often settle on carnations, running from other plants.

It is important to treat the plant from pests with special agents.

Water the plant moderately and strictly at the root only after the top layer of soil has completely dried out.

In dry times, it is useful to combine watering with spraying the stems and leaves.

During the budding and flowering period, increase watering of the plant.

Trimming carnations promotes better air circulation and increases the viability of the plant, reducing the risk of diseases and stimulating re-flowering.

Garden carnations are usually propagated by sowing in the spring, which is the ideal time for germination.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to Grow Carnations
  2. How to Care for Carnations