How to protect your garden from cabbage flies: proven methods

10.06.2024 14:27

The cabbage fly is a pest that is dangerous for rump vegetables.

There are effective methods for controlling insects.

How to protect your garden from cabbage flies

Externally, cabbage flies resemble ordinary flies. Nevertheless, they attack the vegetables in your garden.

Cabbage fly larvae destroy the roots of sacral plants - broccoli, turnip, cabbage, rutabaga, horseradish, wasabi, daikon, radish, cauliflower.

If vegetables are affected, their leaves wither, despite care and watering.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Plant roots wither, which can lead to crop failure.

There are no chemical controls for cabbage root fly.

You can cover your garden plants with a special net that protects your crops from birds and insects.

This will prevent the adult female from penetrating deep into the soil and laying larvae at the base of the root plants.

Previously, we told you how to protect your garden from ants.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource