Why do cucumber seedlings die: 3 common mistakes that destroy standing seedlings

16.02.2024 15:56
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

When you garden, you encounter both successes and failures. In this article, we will tell you what mistakes harm cucumber seedlings.

3 common reasons

Too much light for seedlings. Plants need to rest, so it is recommended to provide only 14-16 hours of light per day.

You are applying too much or too little fertilizer.

Not enough nutrients will slow down the growth of seedlings; too much can damage the roots, which prevents the seedlings from absorbing water.

Low soil temperature. Most seeds like soil temperatures around 65-75°.


How to ensure seedlings thrive

Use only loose, well-drained, nutritious soil for growing seedlings.

With the appearance of seedling loops, the film must be removed from the pots and moved to the lightest window sill.

Fertilize the soil with nutrients when the seedlings begin to produce leaves. Fertilizers will help the plant develop strong roots.

As a rule, by the time the seedlings are planted in the ground, somewhere around 25-30 days should pass from the appearance of the cotyledon.

The plant should have about three true leaves.

Previously, we told you how to make an orchid bloom.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. 3 common reasons
  2. How to ensure seedlings thrive