Why do the leaves on a pear turn black and dry: rules on how to save a tree

19.04.2024 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Sometimes pear leaves turn black for unknown reasons.

In this article, we will tell you why this happens.

Why do pear leaves turn black

As a rule, pear leaves turn black even with a lack of boron, but in this case they also curl.

In addition, the tips of the shoots become deformed and also begin to dry out.

In addition, the leaves of a pear tree can turn black due to a lack of humidity in the air, when a large number of dust particles accumulate.


Due to low air humidity, the edges and tips of the leaves dry out first.

It may also be leaf spot, caused by the fungus Fabraea maculata.

This tree disease usually appears late in the growing season, but can sometimes develop in late spring or early summer.

How to deal with black leaves on a pear

Organic remedies can treat black pear leaves.

Consider neem oil or baking soda for spritzing.

You can also prevent this by pruning and using resistant varieties for pear tree health.

Previously, we told you why dill turns yellow.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why do pear leaves turn black
  2. How to deal with black leaves on a pear