Why experienced gardeners recommend watering plants in the garden with coffee: useful tips

27.07.2024 13:00

Coffee can be a fertilizer for the plants in your garden.

Why coffee is good for your garden

Coffee grounds can be a fantastic addition to your garden. 

Not only do they help you wake up in the morning, but they can also serve as a great tool for your plants. 

The caffeine in coffee grounds is toxic to slugs and snails, making it a recommended method for pest control by some gardeners. 

However, experts caution that using coffee grounds directly on slugs is a very painful way to kill them, even worse than salt. 

Photo: © Belnovosti

Crushing them is much quicker and less cruel.

Instead, scatter coffee grounds over the soil and around raised beds or pots during dry, clear weather. 

When it rains, slugs won't be able to cross the coffee layer, thus protecting your plants.

Besides pest control, coffee grounds can also improve soil quality. 

They contain nitrogen, an essential element for plant growth. 

Adding coffee grounds to compost or directly to the soil can enhance fertility.

However, it's crucial to mix the coffee grounds well into the soil to avoid forming a dense layer.

Coffee grounds can also be used as mulch. 

Spread a thin layer around plants to retain soil moisture and prevent weed growth.

However, avoid using too many coffee grounds, as this can acidify the soil.

Another creative way to use coffee grounds is to create natural fertilizer. 

Mix them with other organic materials like leaves, grass, or kitchen scraps.

In summary, coffee grounds can be a versatile helper in your garden, aiding in pest control, improving soil quality, retaining moisture, and preventing weed growth. Use them wisely, and your garden will thrive.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource