Interior Designer Tips: Which Walls to Choose for Your Kitchen

09.06.2023 04:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

The kitchen is a space in the house that often gets dirty while cooking. Therefore, the walls should be not only beautiful, but also practical. In the article, we will tell you what materials and colors are better to choose.

What material is suitable for the walls in the kitchen

For the kitchen, we recommend choosing acrylic-based plaster.

The material is moisture resistant, dries quickly, can be tinted in any shade without any problems, passes steam and withstands wet cleaning. As for the texture, it is worth starting from the style of the interior.

Non-woven and vinyl wallpapers are more suitable for the kitchen. This is a popular kitchen wall decoration: on the one hand, modern print ideas, on the other, a relatively budget option.

What wall color to choose for the kitchen

For the kitchen, it is advisable to choose pistachio or soft salad shades. Pastel colors, yellow gloss, red copper are also popular. The universal color is white; it can be used in any style, from classic to modern. Consider the color and design of kitchen furniture.


To make the kitchen look more expensive, you need the effect of a bright room. White, beige, cream and other light colors. The completely dark palette hides the space.

Thus, your kitchen will be good both from an aesthetic and practical point of view.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What material is suitable for the walls in the kitchen
  2. What wall color to choose for the kitchen