How to get rid of pet smell in your house: Make sure your house smells nice

17.08.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Smell is an important thing that can immediately make your house feel dirty.

Getting rid of pet smells in your house requires a combination of regular cleaning, proper odor control strategies, and maintaining good hygiene for your pets. 

Here are some effective steps to help eliminate pet odors.

Regular Cleaning Routine

Vacuum your floors, carpets, and furniture regularly to remove pet hair, dander, and dirt.

Wash your pet's bedding, toys, and other accessories frequently.


Clean litter boxes, cages, and pet crates regularly to prevent odor buildup.

Pet Grooming

Regularly bathe and groom your pets to keep their fur clean and reduce odor.

Brush your pets to minimize shedding and dander.

Odor Neutralizers

Use pet-safe odor neutralizing sprays or powders to eliminate odors from fabrics, carpets, and upholstery.

Baking soda is a natural and safe option for absorbing odors. Sprinkle it on carpets and furniture, let it sit, and then vacuum it up.

Regular Washing

Wash your pet's bedding, blankets, and any fabric items they come into contact with.

Launder your own clothing regularly to remove any pet odors.

Proper Litter Box Care

Scoop litter boxes daily and completely change the litter at least once a week.

Choose unscented litter, as scented varieties can sometimes clash with pet odors.

Eliminate Lingering Odors

Place bowls of white vinegar, activated charcoal, or coffee grounds in areas with persistent odors. 

These substances can help absorb and neutralize smells.

Try using essential oil diffusers with pet-safe essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, or citrus to create a pleasant aroma.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Regular Cleaning Routine
  2. Pet Grooming
  3. Odor Neutralizers
  4. Regular Washing
  5. Proper Litter Box Care
  6. Eliminate Lingering Odors