Animals from the Shelter: What is Important to Know

14.09.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Statistics show that approximately 2 million dogs are adopted from U.S. shelters each year.

Why do animals become homeless

For various reasons: some got lost, others’ owners died, and some were simply thrown away by their owners, which, unfortunately, is not uncommon.

In addition, the population of stray animals is increasing naturally.

Why is it better to adopt an animal from a shelter

They are treated, given the necessary vaccinations and sterilized.

Fractures, bruises, infection with parasites, long periods of starvation - all this affects the psyche of animals.


Shelter staff help pets undergo social adaptation and begin to trust people again.

Do I have to pay for a shelter animal

Animals from shelters are given away free of charge, but in any case you will need to prepare for the pet's arrival.

Buy food, a bed, bowls, a leash (for a dog), a carrier and a litter box (for a cat) and, as with any animal, you need to be prepared to pay for veterinary procedures.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why do animals become homeless
  2. Why is it better to adopt an animal from a shelter
  3. Do I have to pay for a shelter animal