Important to Know: Is It Possible to Sleep Together with Your Dog

11.09.2023 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

A national study of Australians found that dog and cat owners tended to be less likely to take medication for sleep problems than non-owners.

Is it safe to sleep with a pet in the bedroom

The main requirement for a pet is that it should not pose a danger to all family members.

Therefore, you should definitely not keep a terrarium with snakes, spiders and crocodiles in your bedroom.

Of course, it is better to abstain from monitor lizards, pumas, lynxes, which are becoming increasingly popular among home breeders.


Benefits of sleeping with your dog

Having a dog sleep with you can reduce anxiety, anxiety, and stress.

It may also help if you have insomnia or trouble falling asleep. This is all thanks to the fact that our brain perceives a dog as a reliable friend and protector.

When such a friend sleeps next to you, nothing is scary and sleep improves.

Why you shouldn't let your dog in your bed

Your dog may make your allergies worse: even if you haven't had an allergic reaction to pet skin, dogs often bring new allergens, such as grass and pollen.

If you suffer from allergies, then letting your dog sleep in your own bedroom, much less your bed, is a bad idea. This also applies to other pets.

The dog must have its own place where it will not be disturbed. This could be a bed, mattress, rug, chair or even a separate sofa.

The dog's place should be comfortable for the dog and be located in a secluded place in the apartment, not in the aisle.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Benefits of sleeping with your dog
  2. Why you shouldn't let your dog in your bed