Interesting Facts: All about Dog Intelligence

22.09.2023 19:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Researchers from Germany have found compelling evidence that dogs have intelligence.

Experts have found that these pets understand when a person does something intentionally or accidentally.

How smart are dogs

Dogs react when we humans try to show them an action or when we point to a specific object.

They are able to judge which of two bowls contains more dog food.

They respond to familiar voices and are excellent at determining whether a person is a friend and has come with good intentions or an enemy with evil intentions.


It is clear that dogs are capable of making associations and responding to stimuli.

In dogs, the parts of the brain that are responsible for recognizing all kinds of smells work very intensively, which is why dogs have an incredible sense of smell.

Dogs are more sensitive to different odors than other companion animals such as cats and ferrets.

They use a much larger part of their brain to analyze smells.

It is also believed that dogs associate smell with memories, so they can be trained to recognize certain odors, such as chemicals.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource