

Cleaning will require less time and effort if you use proven, safe methods and products.

Diana Dashkevich bathroom cleaning cleansing methods cleaning tips Helpful tips 23 May 2024

Each material has its own characteristics and advantages. The most popular ones are made of steel, acrylic, cast iron. This is a true classic, the most durable and long-lasting bathtub. Cast iron products retain heat well, which means that the water will not cool down for a long time (as will the sides and bottom).

Diana Dashkevich bathroom interior tips interior mistakes materials House Design 22 December 2023

The bathtub should be cleaned daily, after each use. Once a week you need to carry out general cleaning using narrowly targeted products - from rust and limescale. Cleaning products must be thoroughly washed off the surface of the bathtub.

Diana Dashkevich bathroom cleaning Helpful tips 31 October 2023

A clean bathtub is essential - it's a place that helps you get clean and relax, so it should be hygienic and nice. There are plenty of methods you can use to keep your bathtub clean, but some of them are more effective than others.

Kate Yakimchuk bath cleaning Helpful tips 21 October 2023