

If you have to dust regularly, then you should invest in convenient tools that can make your life so much easier. Rotating dust brushes can make it faster to get rid of dust, especially in hard-to-reach areas.

Kate Yakimchuk dust duster cleaning Helpful tips 3 November 2023

For this you will need acetone, gasoline, white spirit.

Diana Dashkevich cleaning lifehacks Helpful tips 21 October 2023
toilet brush

You might not use your toilet brush daily, but it doesn't mean that it lasts forever - it's one of the dirtiest items in your bathroom. You should clean it regularly, for sure - but you still need to replace it at some point.

Kate Yakimchuk toilet cleaning hygiene Helpful tips 23 September 2023

To keep your tiles clean and pretty, you need to clean them regularly - not only with a wet cloth, but also with a brush. Brushing tiles often takes a bit more time, but it's extremely effective, so you should do it occasionally.

Kate Yakimchuk tiles cleaning tips Helpful tips 18 September 2023