

If you have a budgie and want to make it happy, then you should make its cage comfortable. While being relatively small birds, budgies need lots of space and entertainment to stay healthy and happy.

Kate Yakimchuk bird facts pets facts maintenance care Animals 19 January 2024

If you want your parrot to be happy, then you should provide it with everything it needs, including comfortable cage supplies. It's not only about the size of the cage itself, but also about the things that can make your bird happier.

Kate Yakimchuk birds pets cage comfort Animals 29 October 2023

Domestic birds, and especially parrots and budgerigars, often decorate their tails with paper strips. They can make these strips out of books, magazines, or even money, so make sure you don't leave your birds unattended.

Kate Yakimchuk birds parrots pets facts Animals 14 June 2023