Hyaluronic diet: what you need to eat to prolong youth

13.06.2024 15:00

Hyaluronic acid is a substance produced by the human body and is responsible for retaining moisture.

What is the hyaluronic diet

The hyaluronic diet is rich in foods that contain hyaluronic acid.

This substance promotes collagen synthesis, which helps keep skin glowing and firm.

Hyaluronic acid is found in bone broths and soy products.

Therefore, you should add ramen, tofu, edamame beans, and soy meat to your diet.

Photo: © Belnovosti

The fact is that soy contains a lot of estrogen. You can add soybeans to salads or use them as a side dish.

This food is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals.

Root vegetables - potatoes, sweet potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke - also help to prolong youth.

They are also a source of B vitamins and fiber.

Adding seeds and nuts to your diet is also beneficial for skin health.

This could be almonds, cashews, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds.

Citrus fruits make the skin more radiant and firm.

Also, add leafy greens to your diet. These are spinach, basil, cabbage, microgreens. They also contain magnesium.

We previously talked about the health benefits of kumquat.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource