
sad goldfish

It often seems that legal pet restrictions are mostly the same in all countries - like, you shouldn't keep alligators or tigers at home, right? In fact, it doesn't work like that, and some countries have pet restrictions that might seem unusual to an average American.

Kate Yakimchuk pets restrictions rules Animals 21 October 2023
garlic bread

Americans have lots of food they're used to, but most of these dishes have origins in other countries. Italy is a country that is famous for its amazing cuisine, so no wonder that some of its traditional recipes went so far.

Kate Yakimchuk cooking cuisine food Cooking 5 October 2023

You might think that everyone can get a pet when they want to, but it's not true. Some countries have pretty strict rules and regulations about pets, and there are reasons behind that.

Kate Yakimchuk pets rules Animals 13 September 2023