

A curtain rod placement can play a huge role in how others will perceive your interior design. Placing a curtain rod too low can lead to several practical and aesthetic issues. 

Kate Yakimchuk interior mistakes tips House Design 1 August 2023
blackout curtains

If you can't sleep until it's completely dark in the room, or you just want to feel more privacy, then you probably need blackout curtains. The need for blackout curtains in your bedroom depends on your personal preferences and specific circumstances. 

Kate Yakimchuk blackout curtains bedroom interior tips House Design 29 July 2023

While some fabrics don't require ironing, some do - and that's why you should pick your curtains carefully. If you aren't sure that they can air dry without wrinkles, then you should probably iron them manually.

Kate Yakimchuk ironing maintenance housekeeping tips Helpful tips 8 July 2023

In the past, people always tried to make their furniture and decorations match - it was a part of interior design. Nowadays, this rule doesn't exist, and you can experiment with anything as much as you like.

Kate Yakimchuk colors fabric choosing interior tips House Design 8 July 2023

Curtains are an important part of the house, which performs not only a practical, but also an aesthetic function. In the article we will tell you what to look for when choosing.

Diana Dashkevich home design interior tips advices House Design 29 June 2023

Curtains can create the whole atmosphere of your living room, or any other room in your house, when you choose the perfect ones. While they seem to be extremely easy to pick, they are actually not - you still can make some mistakes while picking perfect curtains.

Kate Yakimchuk choosing interior mistakes House Design 18 June 2023
living room

Curtains are one of the most popular decorations you can find in almost every living room.  It's hard to pick the best ones, because there are so many curtains of different length, color, size, material, and style.

Kate Yakimchuk living room choosing interior tips House Design 17 June 2023

Quality curtains can make your room cozy and elegant, but sometimes you don't need curtains at all. If you like modern minimalistic designs, then you can find some better options.

Kate Yakimchuk design tips interior tips House Design 12 June 2023