

One of the most fascinating garden plants are evergreens - they are resilient and low-maintenance, and they always look great. In nature, evergreens developed a few cool tricks to survive in cold and challenging places. 

Kate Yakimchuk plants gardening nature Garden 5 October 2023

If you want to have a beautiful garden, but don't want to spend too much time on maintenance, then you need to plant beautiful evergreens there. Evergreens can be versatile: some of them are short and fluffy, and others are tall and strong, so they can protect your garden from winds and unwanted attention.

Kate Yakimchuk plants gardening Garden 8 September 2023

Evergreen plants have several adaptations that allow them to grow well in shaded or partially shaded environments.  These adaptations help them efficiently capture and utilize the limited light available in such conditions.

Kate Yakimchuk plants gardening tips planting Garden 24 July 2023