

If you have hard water, then your faucets might always have a layer of white residue on them that is often hard to clean. While you can't always make your tap water softer, you can maintain your faucets clean and shiny.

Kate Yakimchuk cleaning tips residue bathroom supplies water Helpful tips 30 January 2024

Hard water often creates  water stains, and they can spoil the look of your shiny chrome water faucets. While most people clean it regularly, others want to prevent these stains from happening in the first place.

Kate Yakimchuk water stains tips Helpful tips 30 September 2023

The choice between black and chrome faucets largely depends on personal preference, the overall design of the space, and the desired aesthetic appeal.  Both black and chrome faucets have their advantages and considerations, which can help inform the decision.

Kate Yakimchuk interior choosing House Design 6 August 2023

Whether or not to have all faucets the same color depends on personal preference and the overall design aesthetic you want to achieve in your home.  There are both pros and cons to having all faucets in the same color.

Kate Yakimchuk colors interior tips House Design 4 August 2023
dirty sink

Even the smallest details can sometimes make your house look dirty. The yellow discoloration that sometimes forms around faucets in sinks is typically caused by a combination of factors, including mineral deposits and metal corrosion. 

Kate Yakimchuk sink cleaning Helpful tips 1 August 2023