Catnip: Growing and Care

27.11.2023 16:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Catnip is unpretentious and undemanding; the optimal place for growing it would be a sunny corner of the garden with light loamy soil with an average level of fertility and humidity.

How to grow

Adult plants do not need watering; they have enough natural moisture.

Formed bushes are watered only during the dry period and immediately after that the soil around them is dug up.

Catnips with gray leaves are more drought tolerant, but they are also best watered if there has been no rain for several weeks.

How to care

Catnip loves the sun and needs a lot of light. Plant it in a location where it will get at least 5 hours of sun per day.


In addition, although catnip can exist in partial shade, in this case it is prone to hypertrophy of greenery to the detriment of flowering.

When does catnip bloom

With good care, the plant can grow up to 100 cm in height.

Flowering lasts approximately 2 months, from May to September.

Flowers appear in dense whorls and are well protected from external factors.

The flowers are white, with a purple tint.

How to water catnip

If catnip is growing in the garden, wait until the top layer of soil is completely dry before watering it thoroughly.

Evaporation of moisture in pots occurs faster than in the garden, so you need to water the plant when the surface layer of soil dries out.

In the summer heat, water the plant once a day.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to grow
  2. How to care
  3. When does catnip bloom
  4. How to water catnip