Gardening Tips: How to Grow Pelargonium

29.06.2023 15:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Pelargonium is a plant from the Geraniaceae family, which unites approximately 350 different species. For the most part, the varieties of this flower are herbaceous perennials, but shrubs and succulents are also found in nature.

Where is the best place to plant pelargoniums

The ideal location in the garden for pelargonium would be sunny areas. However, even in partial shade, it is able to fully develop and bloom profusely throughout the season. The soil for planting should be sufficiently fertile and well drained. Do not plant geraniums in loamy and clay soils.

What soil is best for pelargonium

Home geraniums, or pelargoniums, love nutritious soil with good breathability. Therefore, the composition of the soil should contain both small and fairly large particles.

How to properly water a pelargonium

The land for pelargoniums should not be constantly wet, the lump should dry out before the next watering. For example, in the summer in the heat, pelargoniums will have to be watered every day, and in winter at low temperatures (wintering pelargoniums), watering may be required no more than 1 time in 2 weeks.

How to feed pelargoniums for growth

Banana peel infusion. Gives Pelargonium natural and effective nutrition for lush growth. Such top dressing will saturate the plant with organic matter and minerals.

Photo: Pixabay

How to save pelargoniums until spring

This is easiest to do if the earth is dry and just crumbles from the roots. We transfer pelargonium to the winter schedule and prepare it for removal from the soil, gradually reducing watering. However, do not forget to loosen the earth - this is how oxygen gets to the roots, and it will be easy to take out the plant.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Where is the best place to plant pelargoniums
  2. What soil is best for pelargonium
  3. How to properly water a pelargonium
  4. How to feed pelargoniums for growth
  5. How to save pelargoniums until spring