How to correctly water a pumpkin: tips for gardeners

22.06.2024 15:00

Pumpkin does not require special care.

It is important to know how to water and fertilize the plant correctly.

How to fertilize a pumpkin

Pumpkins grow best when grown in fertile, well-drained soil.

Therefore, choose a good place to plant seedlings.

Despite the fertility of the soil, the vegetable must be fed.

Photo: © Belnovosti

This will provide the plant with all the necessary nutrients for the formation of tasty and juicy fruits.

At planting time, you will need to add plenty of well-rotted manure or garden compost.

Slow-release fertilizers are also good for this.

As a rule, you need to apply fertilizer twice a season - when planting pumpkins and when flowering.

In addition, products rich in potassium are well suited for fertilization.

This substance will help increase the volume of pumpkin harvest.

How to water a pumpkin correctly

Pumpkin is a plant that prefers moist soil.

However, you should avoid areas in the garden with groundwater.

You need to water the vegetable regularly so that the soil always remains slightly moist.

Therefore, do not allow the soil where the pumpkin grows to dry out completely.

During dry and hot weather, increase the amount of watering, as moisture from the soil evaporates much faster during this time.

During this period, soil moisture should be carefully monitored.

In addition, during dry periods there is a risk of powdery mildew.

It is best to water the pumpkin with collected rainwater, as it contains less lime than tap water.

Water that is too hard is not suitable for watering pumpkins.

For better moisture retention, you can also mulch the soil around the vegetable.

This will help prevent the soil from drying out and maintain the optimal amount of moisture.

Water the plant early in the morning or late in the evening to prevent moisture from evaporating from the soil.

Previously, we told you how to grow figs in open ground.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to fertilize a pumpkin
  2. How to water a pumpkin correctly