How to Make Compost: Avoid These Mistakes

11.06.2024 17:00

Compost is one of the most popular plant remedies. You can prepare the fertilizer yourself.

How to make compost

You need to add green material to your compost: weeds, grass clippings, livestock manure, fruit and vegetable peels.

Do not add meat or fat waste, or cat or dog feces to your compost.

Add brown material to the compost: sawdust, twigs, straw, and paper.

Balance the ratio of green and brown material - 50/50.

Photo: © Belnovosti

It is also important to add water to the compost.

This is an important element for a compost heap.

This will speed up the compost formation process.

However, there should not be too much moisture, as this can lead to an unpleasant odor and a large number of harmful bacteria.

If it's not raining outside, pour about a bucket of water into your compost pile once a week.

It is also important to turn your compost pile regularly.

Use a pitchfork or shovel for this.

Turn the compost once every two to three weeks.

Previously, we told you how to protect vegetables from cabbage flies.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource